FFCE is one of the best food consultants in India for the manufacturing of Soan Papdi. Soan papdi is an Indian candy-coated sweet recognized for its soft and crumbly features. To prepare the ideal Soan Papdi, precise regulation of temperatures is needed to produce the product’s fluffy texture, as well as proper management of its component products. Our experience helps our Soan Papdi’s quality meet your expectations as on the taste buds and texture.

we offer under Process Optimization, plant and factory setup, machinery selection, regulatory compliances and legal assistance for any kind of documentation. Our consulting services provide assistance for the whole process including reparation of sugar syrup, dough handling, and layer formation. We assist in the optimization of these to ensure that the specific fibrous structure of Soan Papdi is well preserved. Moreover, our Technological Support, it is the selection of the correct tools for increasing productivity while maintaining the identity of this classic confectionery product.

What is Soan Papdi? 

Soan Papdi is a snack that is familiar to every individual from India almost. Soan papdi processing therefore involves the preparation of a sugar syrup to the right degree of consistency; this normally is to the softball stage. This syrup is then blended with the paste that is prepared with flour, ghee and At times milk is also added and it is out from this paste that Soan Papdi originates.

The most important part of Soan Papdi preparation process is the continuous kneading and layering of the dough through flattening which is done after the dough has cooled down a little. The process of making Soan Papdi resembles the process of making candy floss, teneta, or spun sugar; they form the thin layers that distinguish the candy. It is a delicate process because the better the layers are shaped the thinner and more equal they will be.

After the dough is formed into layers it is divided into squares or diamonds and then topped with nuts like almonds or pistachios. The final product should be soft and porous structure coalescing into crumbs and soft and full-bodied that dissolves on the tongue.

Through implies strict procedures or standard of cooking temperature and duration with appropriate and proper technique on how the Soan Papdi will be made can actually produce Soan Papdi that can touch the standard or even surpass the market itself in terms of quality and texture of the Soan Papdi.

The process of production of Soan Papdi

Ingredient Selection

  • High-Quality Ingredients: Soan Papdi is made with gram flour (besan), ghee, sugar and finally saffron or green cardamom. For garnishing purpose nuts such as almonds, pistachios etc are used.
  • Preparation: The gram flour is then sifted to free it from lumps before being mixed to the other ingredients. Ghee is characterized as clarified, and then it is expected that the correct consistency to be prepared with accurate measurement.

Cooking and Mixing

  • Roasting Gram Flour: The gram flour for use in large scale roasting is roasted in ghee under carefully set temperature and time to get a rich, nutty color without being burnt. The batches are turned continuously with an automated mixer to enhance evenness of baking.
  • Sugar Syrup Preparation: Sugar and water are mixed and heated to a given temperature using boilers and then made into syrup. This syrup is essential in determining the texture of snacks and requires perfect heat fixation (soft ball stage).
  • Mixing: This hot sugar syrup is then added to the roasted gram flavour and ghee. High performance blending equipment guarantees aggressive and consistent blending.

Kneading and Pulling

  • Initial Kneading: Before kneading the mixture is allowed to cool slightly. The fibrous texture is also helped in its development by industrial kneaders.
  • Pulling: The kneaded dough is mechanically worked and folded over and over in order to make it has fine layers. Existing pull-through devices mimic hand-pulling method, and the use of pulling trains increases efficiency and reduces variation.

Shaping and Cutting

  • Shaping: The pulled mixture is then packed into molds or trays to a form a block by the use of hydraulic presses. This is due to the fact that any alteration of the mixture may lead to the formation of a tough structure which is undesirable based on the structure of the product displayed.
  • Cutting: After setting it is divided into individual pieces using automatic cutting tools in order to have a clean cutting and proper shape.

Cooling and Packaging

  • Cooling: The cut matrix pieces are allowed to cool completely either in cooling tunnels or with rapid cooling systems to set and also firm up.
  • Packaging: Soan Papdi is packed in air tight containers so that they do not become chewy or even hard due to absorption of moisture. MAP can be vacuum packing; this is known as vacuum packaging though it is not completely vacuum. Packaging lines are mostly automated to enable production to have a very high through put.
  • Soan Papdi is an incredible treat that provides numerous health benefits and is must consider owing to few concern.

Nutritional Valuation

  • Protein and Fiber: Gram flour is a rich source of protein and dietary fiber foods.
  • Moderation: Soan Papdi is prepared with sugar and ghee, therefore, and should be taken in small proportions in order to reduce the caloric content it possesses.
  • Functional Properties
  • Energy Boost: This has brought fun to people by just supplying the body with concentrated energy content owing to the high sugar content.
  • Digestibility: .Raw and proper roasting of the gram flour enhances its easy digestion and its taste.