Milling is the leading innovation in grain and cereal processing and turning raw grains such as wheat, rice, and corn into flour, semolina and other products. Thus, proving to be essential for a wide range of applications in the food industry. Milling has a significant impact in terms of the texture produced in the final product, taste and nutritional value of the food. More food industries around the world are allocating their focus on the development of healthy and nutrient-dense foods, milling technology has to catch up with these advancements.

At Frontline Food Consultants & Engineers (FFCE) we exclusively focus on how to improve the milling process with our milling consultants for high quality and enhanced throughout. We offer complete F&B consulting services in grain selection right from sourcing the finest grains to providing innovative Milling technologies. Like Roller Milling, Hammer Milling and Air classification. Our markets include whole grain, fortified and gluten-free flours which are nutritious and are produced under international standards of quality and safety.